Pay As You Go - Cancel A Mortgage
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----------------------------------- DISCLAIMER -----------------------------------------------------

Our software and power website provides information about the law designed to help users safely cope with their own legal needs and to avoid high legal cost. But legal information is not the same as legal advice -- the application of law to an individual's specific circumstances. Although we go to great lengths to make sure our information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a lawyer if you want professional assurance that our information, and your interpretation of it, is appropriate to your particular situation.



Cancel A Mortgage or Al McZeal does not and cannot provide you with legal advise, or legal services regarding your particular legal problem.  We do not prepare Bankrutpcy petitions. We license you software to you on the terms stated in the software license.  We can provide you with suport on the use of our software. However, our support, website, or software is not Legal Advise.

Our services are provided with the understanding that no one affilated with our website, company, or affiliate websites, is involved in the practice of law, or providing you with legal services of any kind or nature. We do not offer legal services or Bankruptcy Services.

If you are in need of Legal Services, Bankruptcy Advise, please contact an experienced professional attorney or lawyer or other professional in your area.   Use of this website or the electronic forms on this website constitutes your understanding and agreement for any information viewed or software downloaded from this site.