Quiet Title California

The California Dreamer a/k/a PAPA The Terminator

"PAPA is going to get them.."

The California Dreamer a/k/a PAPA is a powerful 21 Claim State action in the State of California.  It is the only program of its kind which exists anywhere.  The CALIFORNIA DREAMER will devour any bank, lawyer, or corrupt company.

The software has claims such as Quiet Title, Fraud, Illegal Foreclosure, Negligent Misrepresentation, Breach of Contract, Adverse Possession, Slander of Title, Injunctive Relief, Civil Conspiracy, Declaratory Judment and over 20 causes of action.

"Come to PAPA"... Papa will TERMINATE You!

The California Dreamer a/k/a PAPA - The Terminator

Download The Terminator Now


"Sue Them Papa!

"Come to PAPA"... Papa will TERMINATE You!

"Sue Em Papa!

The California Dreamer a/k/a PAPA is a powerful 21 Claim State action in the State of California.  It is the only program of its kind which exists anywhere.  The CALIFORNIA DREAMER will devour any bank, lawyer, or corrupt company.

The software has claims such as Quiet Title, Fraud, Illegal Foreclosure, Negligent Misrepresentation, Declaratory Judment and over 20 causes of action.


"Go Get Em Papa!